
Showing posts from October, 2019

Current WIP progress

I have never been the greatest at posting WIP updates. This week I am working on two projects. • Quaker d'Halloween by Jardin Prive • Yuletide Garden Labyrinth by Carolyn Manning Designs I am using these projects to complete my "Homework" for Magical Stitches. This week is about Apparition. And we have to do a 1,000 stitches on two different projects of our choice. And these are mine. I am stitching 500 stitches on each this time. Sometimes I struggle with the stitching challenges in FB groups. I finally have my mind around the homework in MS group and am thinking of skipping the homework in the other one. I already had the intensity of these groups burn me out for five months. I don't want that to happen again. So I am going at my own pace. I almost think I should just step aside from the group and just go it on my own. There is a lot of freedom in that. I don't pick up things I want to stitch because of these groups. I am perplexed by in all...

Floss Organization 101

FLOSS ORGANIZATION 101 I have been cross stitching since the mid-80's and have never organized my thread stash. It always has been a trial looking for specific numbers but I was just too lazy, and as my stash grew, intimidated to conquer even the thought of it. On Sunday afternoon I had enough of the searching! I decided then and there to organize the heck out of my floss! Next time I will set-up a large table with a chair to make this easier. Trying to put all the little bobbins in the correct order was a challenge.  First, I had to empty my eleven floss boxes and dump them on my bed. Then I tediously put them into piles: 100s, 200s, 300s, etc. The 700 series, the 900 series and the 3700 & 3800 series had the most bobbins. I had to sit on the floor to stretch out and organize it all. I ended up with a crick in my back and a notion that I really need to stretch more. I am happy with the result. I do kit up my projects wi...

Finishes and the Stitch 9 Challenge

STITCH 9 CHALLENGE At the beginning of 2019 there was a challenge issued to all of us stitchers who post on Instagram. They asked, "What are the top nine projects you want to get done this year?" If you are anything like me, the second I succumbed to the challenge,none of those projects ever called to me. Did I want to get them done? Certainly. But I wasn't longing for a finish. I wasn't motivated to pick any of those nine projects up to try and finish them. Then along came the School of Magical Stitches and Literature. Due to them, I got to work on a few of these projects. As of now, I have finished three of them: Sweet Spring by Satsuma Street, London Lady by Joan Elliott and Amsterdam by Awesome Pattern Studio. I am currently working on Black Capped Chickadee. Cross your fingers for me that it continues to call me. MY FINISHES THUS FAR... I do have a number of finishes so far in 2019. Eleven in total. I haven't been as motivated t...

Hello and welcome to Cross-Stitch Sleuth!

Hey there, Stitchy Friend!  I am not new around these parts of the  Flosstube/Cross-Stitching Community but I feel like  I would be a much better blogger than I ever was a Flosstuber. I started my YouTube Channel back in the early months of 2014 when Whimsical Stitches from Cross Stitch It's Fun Facebook Group (now defunct) put out a call for all stitchers to make videos. And thus Flosstube was born. This is where I will talk all things stitchy, show you my stash and present my WIPs, UFOs, FOs and FFOs for viewing. In episode one I will start out with... MAIL CALL! I picked up a few items of haul today. They are from Etsy from Cherry Hill Stitchery. Don't they just look so fun and awesome? I can't wait to get started on them! The patterns are: I Love Fall, Pumpkin Spice and Willow House Alphabet. These are cute and simple patterns that I think will just fly off the needles! Check out the photos below to check them out ...