Hello and welcome to Cross-Stitch Sleuth!
I am not new around these parts of the
Flosstube/Cross-Stitching Community but I feel like
I would be a much better blogger than I ever was a Flosstuber.
I started my YouTube Channel back in the early months of 2014 when Whimsical Stitches from Cross Stitch It's Fun Facebook Group (now defunct) put out a call for all stitchers to make videos. And thus Flosstube was born.
This is where I will talk all things stitchy, show you my stash and present my WIPs, UFOs, FOs and FFOs for viewing.
In episode one I will start out with...
I picked up a few items of haul today. They are from Etsy from Cherry Hill Stitchery. Don't they just look so fun and awesome? I can't wait to get started on them!
The patterns are: I Love Fall, Pumpkin Spice and Willow House Alphabet. These are cute and simple patterns that I think will just fly off the needles! Check out the photos below to check them out for yourselves.
That is all for today. Tomorrow I may show you my WIPs and let you know where I am in the Stitch Nine Challenge. That hashtag was started at the beginning of the year to get us to focus on a few WIPs and get them completed before 2020. I have to admit that I am not as far fished as I'd like to be.
Catch you next time! Have a stitchy day!
-- Toni
Oh I love these new pieces. I just can't get into floss tube. I love blogging. Floss tube just feels boring to me. I love reading blogs like notes from friends. Nice to meet you.