Floss Organization 101
I have been cross stitching since the mid-80's and have never organized my thread stash. It always has been a trial looking for specific numbers but I was just too lazy, and as my stash grew, intimidated to conquer even the thought of it.
On Sunday afternoon I had enough of the searching!
I decided then and there to organize the heck out of my floss!
Next time I will set-up a large table with a chair to make this easier. Trying to put all the little bobbins in the correct order was a challenge.
First, I had to empty my eleven floss boxes and dump them on my bed. Then I tediously put them into piles: 100s, 200s, 300s, etc. The 700 series, the 900 series and the 3700 & 3800 series had the most bobbins.
I had to sit on the floor to stretch out and organize it all. I ended up with a crick in my back and a notion that I really need to stretch more.
I am happy with the result. I do kit up my projects with all new floss so this may help when I go to put things back into the boxes once I am done with the project.
It was a bit of a trial. It took half of a Sunday afternoon. But I think this was time well spent.
Many stitchy regards,
-- Toni
I did this before the holidays. It's such a pain but I'm so thankful to have it all organized. A lot easier to grab what I need now. I use jammers. They used to be used a hotwheel holders. They are double sided. It's my stash of DMC then if it's not on bobbins it goes in ziplock bags and into shoe boxes until I need them.