Finishes and the Stitch 9 Challenge
At the beginning of 2019 there was a challenge issued to all of us stitchers who post on Instagram. They asked, "What are the top nine projects you want to get done this year?"
If you are anything like me, the second I succumbed to the challenge,none of those projects ever called to me. Did I want to get them done? Certainly. But I wasn't longing for a finish. I wasn't motivated to pick any of those nine projects up to try and finish them.
Then along came the School of Magical Stitches and Literature. Due to them, I got to work on a few of these projects. As of now, I have finished three of them: Sweet Spring by Satsuma Street, London Lady by Joan Elliott and Amsterdam by Awesome Pattern Studio.
I am currently working on Black Capped Chickadee. Cross your fingers for me that it continues to call me.
I do have a number of finishes so far in 2019. Eleven in total. I haven't been as motivated to stitch as I was in 2018.
I took a bit of a stitching hiatus from May to mid-September. I just wasn't motivated to stitch. Magical Stitches had burned me out. I was done.
I had this whole cool concept at the beginning of the year to work on WIPs. I was calling it the YEAR OF WOW! (Work on Wips) Nice, huh? By May I had really failed with this vision. Now I am back on a stitchy roll again and hope to continue until the end of the year.
I have decided not to take my stitching so seriously. No one is going to die if I don't get these done. So, even though I am doing challenges in Magical Stitches and Enchanted Stitching, I am taking it easy. If I want to do something, I do it. And if I feel like I want to stitch on what I want to stitch on instead of doing the challenges, I will. Life is too short to stress out about stitching.
Here are all of my finishes so far:
Here are the names of the projects in order starting at the upper left:
- Hot Chocolate by Alesandra Adelaide
- Alphabet Sampler by Birds of a Feather
- London Lady by Joan Elliott
- Sweet Spring by Satsuma Street
- April Word Play by Brenda Gervais/With Thy Needle & Thread
- Summer Sweetness by Tempting Tangles
- Sedona by Awesome Pattern Studio
- Sampler in Blue by Diane Arthurs/Imaginating
- Amsterdam by Awesome Pattern Studio
- Queen of the Harvest by Brenda Gervais/With Thy Needle & Thread
That is all for now. Maybe I will have more later. I'll keep you updated on all the Stitchy Situation!
-- Toni
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