It's a mystery how tiny x's become such a beautiful picture. Follow my progress as I complete my WIPS (Works In Progress)
Working on a new design - Home is where the heart is
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I am working on another design for the #bewellandstitch movement. This is mostly just for me but I thought it would be cute to show you my gridded design
Last year my word of the year was FOCUS. I am afraid I was anything but focused last year. I did get 20 cross stitch finishes and read 431 books (okay, listened to 431 books, same thing) in 2019. In some ways I was very focused. I have never read that many books in a year in my life. But in May I lost my stitchy bug and had a stitching drought that lasted until sometime in September. I keep looking at all the shiny and new patterns and wanted to keep starting things and it is mighty hard to just keep working on my current WIP pile. They seem old and dusty and well… old. I wanted something new. Some projects are so close to a finish I can taste it but there is this little part of me that doesn’t want to finish them. I am going to get over that this year. That is why my word of the year is COMPLETION. To me completion means to finish things. Not just stitching them in the normal sense but going that extra mile to fully finish them. Frame them or make t...
My second finish of 2020 is Oranges by DMC. I am not sure if this pattern is still available. I got it as a .PAT pattern for my stitch design program back in the day before anything online was ever a thing. You could send away for this pattern by giving DMC a self-addressed stamped envelope. It has a sister pattern called Bluebird Peaches that was my first ever big project probably back in 2002. To this day, this is still my most favorite pattern. Love it! Hope you are having a happy stitching day! Toni Check me out on Instagram and Twitter @Tonispywriter
FLOSS ORGANIZATION 101 I have been cross stitching since the mid-80's and have never organized my thread stash. It always has been a trial looking for specific numbers but I was just too lazy, and as my stash grew, intimidated to conquer even the thought of it. On Sunday afternoon I had enough of the searching! I decided then and there to organize the heck out of my floss! Next time I will set-up a large table with a chair to make this easier. Trying to put all the little bobbins in the correct order was a challenge. First, I had to empty my eleven floss boxes and dump them on my bed. Then I tediously put them into piles: 100s, 200s, 300s, etc. The 700 series, the 900 series and the 3700 & 3800 series had the most bobbins. I had to sit on the floor to stretch out and organize it all. I ended up with a crick in my back and a notion that I really need to stretch more. I am happy with the result. I do kit up my projects wi...
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