March Stitchy Madness, WIPGO & Stitch12Challenge

I don't know about you but I am a fickle stitcher. I make decisions to do something and while I am in the midst of it decide to alter my plans.

Out of the blue at the end of February, I decided to try this March Stitchy Madness bracket that was started by the Steel City Stitchers. Before that I joined Jesse Marie's WIPGO which is a bingo inspired way to tackle your WIPS. And lastly at the beginning of the year set myself my own #stitch12challenge.

I am already overwhelmed. 

I should have known better. I am more of a monogamous stitcher. I know this. But I do seem to be able to do a big project and a small project in tandem with no problem.

Last year I had to drop out of Magical Stitches since I burned myself out and stopped stitching for 5 months. I really don't want that to happen again. Stitching really does help keep me sane.

So I have done a bit of altering to both my bracket and my WIPGO. I may even change my #stitch12 to a #stitch6 and when I get those done, tackle the others. I just need a bit more focus... and restraint.

Of my stitch12, I have already finished: TRAIN ORNAMENT, ORANGES & PATRIOTIC ANGEL So technically, this is just a #stitch9challenge currently. I have also finished three other ornaments, Be Jolly, Mary & Jesus and Believe.

My focus on Stitch12 right now is: Black Capped Chickadee. But I don't think I have stitched on this one at all in March yet. I may cut down this design and only do a segment of it just to get it off my plate. It has been in my WIP pile too long and I fear I may lose interest in it if I don't get it done ASAP.

My focus for the Stitch Madness is: Be Merry Chalkboard Ornament by Hands on Design, Tea & Gossip by Little Dove Cross Stitch, Flower Pots and Rabbits by Leisure Arts, Alice by Brooke's Books, Twelve of the O'clock by Kathy Barrick and Bubbles by Ursula Michael.  This challenge has already gotten out of control. I have so many DMC bobbins on the shelf next to my stitching, I don't know which of them go with which project. Sigh.

This is just too much for me. So after the first five days I altered the Madness and WIPGO boards and changed out some of the projects in order to make it a much easier ride for me.

My focus for WIPGO is Tea & Gossip, House in the Woods Sampler, Church Street Doorway, Farmer's Daughter, Black Capped Chickadee, and Rabbits in Cabbages. As the months pile up, this challenge becomes more and more daunting as well. All these projects are big ones and will take over a month each to complete.

In reality, I know I can only stitch on one thing at a time. I need to just go back to my #ChallengeNotAccepted idea and just plain stitch. Life is too short to keep overwhelming myself with all this nonsense.

- Toni

@Tonispywriter on IG, Twitter & Facebook
Cross Stitch Sleuth on YouTube


  1. I hope you can find a way to use the games as only motivation and just stitch stress free. No worries just enjoy working your way toward marking off your list.

    1. That is always the intention. But tell my brain that. I tend to get overwhelmed so easily due to taking care of my parents who are both on oxygen now, worship team duties (one gal who was also an alto dropped out of the team and I had to take all her slots) and then add to that my stitching and crocheting... I'm a stress ball waiting to happen.

      Thanks for commenting. You make my day!


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