Two Cross Stitch Finishes, one WIP and some Crochet

I finally finished one of my 2018 starts in the last few weeks. This is Patriotic Angel by Joan Elliott. It was a lot more detailed than I anticipated. I worked on it for most of the first fifteen days of 2020. So happy to see this completed.

Then I started something small: Lemonade by Sapphire Mountain Handcrafts.
This was super quick and fun. I left off the top and bottom borders since they didn't really interest me.

For the last couple of days I have been working on an old WIP. Train Ornament by Dimensions. It is a kit on plastic canvas. I have a bit of a problem with the needle falling out of my work and thus, it is making the stitching take what seems like forever! But in reality it is stitching up a lot faster than I realized. I am sure this will be a finish real soon.

Plus, besides stitching, I have been crocheting. I have completed two winter hats which always feels like a quick and satsifying finish.

One of my co-worker's mother's in law sent me a few leftover balls of yarn. She is moving to an assisted living facility and so I am planning to make a granny square afghan from her stash yarn. Plus, I have enough yarn to use to make up any difference if there isn't enough.

That's all for now. Hope you all are having a really great stitchy week!


  1. Fantastic finishes. Joan Elliott always seems to take longer than it looks. The train is very cute. The hats look warm and cozy.

  2. Beautiful finishes! I think the idea of making an afghan from yarn that she has given you is such a nice idea. It seems that the Joan Elliott design is typical of all her designs. Lot's of colors used for shading and all. Very pretty.. Have a wonderful week!


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