Challenge - Not Accepted - Challenge Facebook Groups for Cross Stitching

I think I am done with the challenge groups on Facebook. They are a great idea and promote friendly competition but all they do for me is give me a headache and to me stitching is supposed to be a relaxation technique to get away from my stress.

I am sure I am not alone in my overwhelm. There are just so many groups out there right now promoting different challenges. If I do anything going forward from here it will only be a counting challenge where I choose my own WIP and go to town.

My goal this year is completion and groups like this have me stitching all over the place and never completing one project. I like to work a week or two on one WIP and then change out when I get bored or frustrated.

I think my overwhelm is due to the fact that for one, I have a stressful job. And when I have to try and connect my projects and meet the needs of the prompt, I think my brain implodes. And secondly, I don't do things by halves. If I am in, I am all in. And not just in one group but every one I can find.

Here are the Cross Stitch Challenge Groups I am apart of:

  1. Magical Stitches and Literature
  2. Semi Sane Stitchers
  3. Full Coverage Fanatics
  4. Enchanting Stitching Challenges
  5. 24 Hours of Cross Stitch
One of the things I am participating in is an ABC Challenge where you stitch through the Alphabet. There are a couple of groups that are doing this. I think it is Semi Sane Stitchers and 24 Hours of Cross Stitch. 

I have already started on A is for Arc of White by Tempting Tangles. And the only challenge in this is to fit the name of the designers, project or some aspect of the project to the current letter you are working on.

Another group is stitching through the Parks and it is basically a counting challenge too. I might pair this one with the Full Coverage Fanatics group who is trying to stitch 1,667 stitches a month on a project or 20,000 a year on a project. This will help me to finally focus a bit on my full coverage pieces. I may just stick to one project for the whole year.

Another thing I am personally doing is stitching at least one thread length or 30 minutes on a project in the morning. I think Shirl from Tranquil Stitches might be doing this sort of thing in her group but I am not a part of that group. Cool concept, though. 

I just really need to get working on and finishing my projects.

My Daily30/One Thread challenge will be with Rabbits in Cabbages by Leisure Arts

My 1,666 stitches a month/100 stitches a day full coverage will be with QS Winter Green Wishes by Hannah Lynn from HAED.

I am participating in WIPGO with Jessie Marie Does Stuff just to get finishes on all my smaller projects. This month the numbers picked: Black Capped Chickadee from Just Cross Stitch Magazine and Farmer's Daughter by Carolyn Manning Designs.

I will finish out this week's Magical Stitches homework by working on Mama Christmas by Joan Elliott. I will have to do a total of 200+200+250 penalty=650.  I do not have a project with enough black so I have to stitch penalty stitches. Ugh! I don't want to start anything new right now so I will still work on the same WIP for three of the four challenges. (I did get 200 stitches in the fire prompt but realized I stitched all those stitches in the wrong block and thus will have to frog. Double Ugh!

I will be happier when I drop back from these groups and give my mind a bit of a break. The entire Magical Stitches concept this year is just too much for my mind to comprehend right now. And if it is not counting stitches or time worked on a project, I am out!

I hope you are all having fun with these challenges if they are still your cup of tea. I have already had 2 finishes this year which is going in the right direction to make my word of the year come true. COMPLETION!

Have a great stitchy day!


  1. I agree with you and that's why I never joined those extreme challenge groups. I'm only in #24HoursofCrossStitch and now the WIPGO one because they are just a clear pick what you want to work on and plug it in type of groups. Good luck with your stitching goals no matter how you get the motivation.


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