Two Cross Stitch Finishes, one WIP and some Crochet

I finally finished one of my 2018 starts in the last few weeks. This is Patriotic Angel by Joan Elliott. It was a lot more detailed than I anticipated. I worked on it for most of the first fifteen days of 2020. So happy to see this completed. Then I started something small: Lemonade by Sapphire Mountain Handcrafts. This was super quick and fun. I left off the top and bottom borders since they didn't really interest me. For the last couple of days I have been working on an old WIP. Train Ornament by Dimensions. It is a kit on plastic canvas. I have a bit of a problem with the needle falling out of my work and thus, it is making the stitching take what seems like forever! But in reality it is stitching up a lot faster than I realized. I am sure this will be a finish real soon. Plus, besides stitching, I have been crocheting. I have completed two winter hats which always feels like a quick and satsifying finish. One of my co-worker's mother's in law sent me...