
Showing posts from December, 2019

Full WIP list going into 2020

I have 38 total WIPS. I found a few stragglers I hadn't noted in my organization. Tiger Wildlife - Janlynn kit Oranges by DMC Flag Girl (Liberty Angel) - Leisure Arts Rabbits in Cabbages - Leisure Arts Patriotic Angel - Joan Elliott Mama Christmas - Joan Elliott Train Ornament - Dimensions kit Life - Design Works kit Folk Art Angel - Lesley Teare Black Capped Chickadee - from Just Cross Stitch Magazine Give Thanks - Deign Works kit  Ann Topley 1802 Sampler - The Scarlett House Bubbles - Ursula Michael/Imaginating Arc of White - Tempting Tangles House in the Woods Sampler - Riverdrift Designs kit Yuletide Garden Labyrinth Carolyn Manning Designs Church Street Doorway - Ursula Michael Twelve of the Clock - Kathy Barrick Seasons in Chalk Fall - Hands on Design Shades of Canada - Northern Expressions Needlework Apple Basket Chickadee Diane Arthurs / Imaginating Saint Nicholas - Tralala 22 Normal WIPs FULL COVERAGE PIECES Morning ...

I am on the Completion Train!! Whoo-hoo!

I am nearly finished with this project. It is a kit by JanLynn called ON THE BEACH. This particular project has sat in my work tote and it never called to me asking me to stitch it. Now with my new focus on completion, it is wanting to be done. All I have left now is the back stitching for the girl's head and three back-stitched birds flying in the sky. Last week I finished REINDEER PINCUSHION by Modern Folk Embroidery. I think COMPLETION is a great and motivating word for me.

Word of the Year and 2020 Goals

Last year my word of the year was FOCUS.  I am afraid I was anything but focused last year. I did get 20 cross stitch finishes and read 431 books (okay, listened to 431 books, same thing) in 2019. In some ways I was very focused. I have never read that many books in a year in my life. But in May I lost my stitchy bug and had a stitching drought that lasted until sometime in September. I keep looking at all the shiny and new patterns and wanted to keep starting things and it is mighty hard to just keep working on my current WIP pile. They seem old and dusty and well… old. I wanted something new.  Some projects are so close to a finish I can taste it but there is this little part of me that doesn’t want to finish them. I am going to get over that this year. That is why my word of the year is COMPLETION.  To me completion means to finish things. Not just stitching them in the normal sense but going that extra mile to fully finish them. Frame them or make t...